The Ennis Chamber
The Ennis Area Chamber of Commerce is an organization of business people who endeavor to serve the needs of our community by building a viable economy and promoting our quality of life for the benefit of visitors and residents alike.
Promotional Efforts
Development and updates to the Chamber website
Operation of the Visitor's Information Center
Publication of the Ennis Tourism Brochure
Events: Tap into Ennis Brew & Spirit Festival, 4th of July Parade, Fly Fishing & Outdoor Festival, Music in the Park, Small Business Weekend, Hunter's Feed, and Christmas Stroll
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
Production and distribution of monthly information e-newsletter
The Chamber is governed by a 9-member elected board serving three-year terms and representing a variety of local businesses. The Executive Board includes a President, Vice President, and Secretary. The Chamber employs an Executive Director to coordinate membership, activities and manage the Visitor's Information Center. The Board sets policy for the organization and divides the responsibilities into committees as follows:
Chamber Committees
Activities Committee: Coordinates support for all Chamber sponsored and supported events. Please contact the Ennis Chamber if you would like to serve on a committee or be an Ennis Ambassador.
For more Information please call or email: 406-682-4388 /