Ennis has something for everyone
TAP into Ennis MT Craft Beer, Spirits & Wine Festival
May 17, 2025
Joins us in Ennis for the Annual TAP into Ennis featuring Brews, Spirits, Wine, Music, food, and fun!
Ennis Lions Park, 12PM-4PM
Fly Fishing & Outdoors Festival
August 23, 2025
Peter T’s Park comes alive with this annual festival featuring guest speakers and demonstration, music, food and drink, and a selection of the latest fishing and outdoor gear. Along with fun for the whole family!
Event is open to the public!
Music in the Park
summer of 2025
Presented By
Black Jack Ranch
Ennis Chamber of Commerce Announces "Music in the Park"
Ennis Chamber of Commerce event begins this summer with "Music in the Park" a nine-week concert series featuring Montana's own music talent.
Set to begin June 19th and conclude on September 25th, each Thursday from 5 - 7:00pm a different featured artist will perform in Peter T's Park. The concerts are free and open to the public.
Bring your blanket, lawn chair, pic - nic dinner, and enjoy some great music.
Mark your calendar and bring your friends!
The summer concerts; "Music in the Park"
Artists Walking Tour
summer of 2025
Ennis special art scene if front and center as you wonder the historic streets and tour the many famous art pieces. From Iron Horses, Cowboy Soldier, Murals, to the 12 individually painted giant fish sculptors, you will be amazed at every turn!
4th of July Rodeo and Parade
July 4, 2025
July 4th Parade 10 am - “Main Street Stampede”
Two nights of western rodeo, bull riding, steer roping, barrel racing! July 3rd and 4th - Enns Rodeo Grounds
Ennis takes you back to when the west was won. Parade starts at 10 am on the 4th and winds its way with historic downtown Ennis. Horses, Wagons, Floats topped off with the Stars and Stripes.
Greater Yellowstone Adventure Series
July of 2025
Full and half marathon in the mountains this event is the showcase for running and cycling for all levels and distances. From perfect July weather to runs along the Madison and thru the mountains; the challenge is not to finish but to keep your eyes off the beautiful scenery!
Contact for details: www.themadisonmarathon.com
Hunter’s Feed
Friday afternoon October 24th, 2025
Your invited to walk the downtown streets of Ennis and sample some truly unique dishes inspired by the local game and creative Chef’s. Ice Cream for the kids, special raffles, music and much more pack this afternoon full of family entertainment.
Christmas Stroll
Friday December 5, 2025
Ennis revisits the golden era as the shops and streets light up with music, food, drink, and of course special offers on items for under the tree.
The day finishes with carols, Christmas tree lightings as the whole town and visitors unite in celebration of the season.